Monday, January 14, 2008

Barbara Kay Favours Death Penalty by Firing Squad

Regarding capital punishment, Barbara Kay thinks “objective justice and sentimentality are now too inextricably tangled together” for us as a society to resolve or revisit the issue.

But she offers her opinion. It's certainly a personalized and somewhat unique statement.

I really think we have banished the death penalty for the wrong reason: because we don’t like the methods used.

What is Ms. Kay’s preferred method for termination?

In the end I keep coming back to the firing squad. It is by far my own preferred way of execution, should the occasion arise. First of all, it involves no loss of body parts, which is important in terms of human dignity. The families of the executed should have a whole body to bury. The face remains unblemished, again important for the family. The executed faces his executioners and stands upright. That is good. Lying on a gurney or strapped into a chair, the person’s helplessness and humiliation are exaggerated. A man - it is usually a man - wants to die like a man. Standing up at the same level as those who will kill him.

I only wish her detractors were at least equally, if not more, repulsed by the "legal" death penalty for Canada’s Unborn.

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At 12:30 PM, Blogger Suzanne said...

It was common in the age of the firing squad to have the firing squad leader "finish the job" of execution by taking a pistol and blowing the victims' brains out. It didn't really preserve bodily integrity.

At 4:18 PM, Blogger ELA said...

I can't say I agree with Barbara Kay on this subject. I think I line up very well with the Pope [surprise!] about capital punishment but it is worth noting that the teaching of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church is that the State ultimately has the right to make such decisions. I believe B16 would agree.


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