Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bishop Vasa—Heartless Ogre or Humble Servant of God?

The Bulletin, the daily newspaper of Bend, Oregon, in the Catholic diocese of Baker, is carrying a detailed glimpse into the life of diocesan Bishop Robert Vasa. He’s one of the very few Catholic Bishops in North America who faithfully and successfully reflects the true, uncorrupted teachings of the Catholic Church.

Bishop Vasa has been a controversial figure in many ways. The Bulletin article tells why but it also provides an unusual look into a Bishop’s vision for his diocese.

If you have an interest in courageous Christian leadership, this story is for you.

Here’s an introduction:

Vasa, 56, is the spiritual leader for Catholics in the diocese, which covers all of Central and Eastern Oregon and is headquartered in Bend. He acknowledges that his decisions in the diocese since his ordination as bishop in 2000 have stirred controversy. He has been a tireless voice on the pro-life front, both religiously and politically. He has denounced groups such as Call To Action, which wants to reform the Catholic church to allow female clergy, let local parishes have a voice in appointing bishops and revise the church’s teachings on sexuality, among other changes. And, Vasa has required church leaders in his diocese to affirm certain tenets of the Catholic doctrine, or they are not allowed to hold their leadership positions.

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