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Press Release: Vote Life, Canada! Welcomes New Archbishop of St. John’s NL and Calls for Rebirth of Catholic Leadership and Defense of Unborn Children
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Lab suspends DNA pioneer Watson
The Nobel Prize-winning DNA pioneer James Watson has been suspended by his research institution in the US. Dr Watson has drawn severe criticism over remarks he made in a British newspaper at the weekend.
Watch this video to learn more about the question “Do you want to live forever?”
SOUTH AFRICA--AIDS IN AFRICA: A desperate situation.
Lake of Fire: Moral suppression
After the first operation, a second-trimester abortion, the doctor sorts through a tray of fetal parts, including a perfect-looking tiny hand and a foot, to make sure that nothing has been left inside the patient, which might lead to ...
CounterCulture - http://countercultureblog.com/
Abortion Shown On British TV Programme
As one doctor stated the unborn are their own best advocates. The programme was hardly made from a pro life point of view, really focusing on the foetal pain issue, however seeing the images of the unborn in the womd, the callous calm ...
Hidden Ireland - http://hiddenireland.wordpress.com
Laws propose giving abortion seekers chance to see ultrasound
Akron Beacon Journal - Akron,OH,USA
Sam Brownback of Kansas, which would require doctors to take ultrasounds before abortions and compel women to look at them or sign a written waiver. ...
Umbilical cord donation helps stem cell research
The stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood and bone marrow have treated dozens of diseases. In 1988, doctors performed the first cord blood transplant from a donor who was a sibling of the patient. Five years later, Dr. Joanne Kurtzberg of Duke University Medical Center performed the first successful cord blood transplants from a donor not related to the patient. Doctors have performed about 8,000 cord blood transplants worldwide.
Should a pro-life voter prefer Hillary to Rudy?
(By the way, “death” here refers to issues like abortion and embryonic research, not war, since presidents from both parties send troops into combat.) My Catholic Democrat grandparents and aunts and uncles are no doubt rolling over in ...
Warren Throckmorton - http://wthrockmorton.com
Brownback’s views popular with conservative Christians but maybe not enough
By Eileen Flynn | Thursday, October 18, 2007, 06:01 PM
Christianity Today has posted this interesting Q&A (done in late September) with Sen. Sam Brownback. Apparently, the Kansas Republican is going to withdraw from the race.
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Amnesty, abortion and the abuse of women
Ekklesia - UK
Amnesty International's policy on sexual and reproductive rights does not promote abortion as a universal right and the organization [does not take a ...
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The Deafening Silence
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA
It's been a week since The Lancet published the comprehensive Guttmacher Institute study which found that bans on abortion fail to reduce abortion rates. ...
Op-Ed: Neither man nor beast
Fact, it has been said, is stranger than fiction. And fiction can be pretty strange. Take, for instance, an 1896 novel by famous English thinker, H.G. Wells, “The Island of Dr. Moreau.” As one can see from the date of its publication, the book was written on the threshold of a new century, and Wells, famous as a “futuristic” thinker, was trying to look ahead.
UN Praises Vietnam Population Control, But Abortion Skews Gender Ratio
Hanoi, Vietnam (LifeNews.com) -- The United Nations issued a new report praising the population control efforts in Vietnam, but the paper acknowledges the devastating effects the program has had there.
Japan and Religion
No bans on abortion, no mandatory prayer in schools, no abstinence-only programs, no demands for reshaping biology, geology, or history curriculums to allow for the creation of the Japanese islands by Izanagi and Izanami some three ...
The Blog from Another Dimension - http://blogd.com/wp
Capital punishment
Sunday - Catholic Weekly - Czestochowa,Poland
... repression in the above-mentioned book. He also emphasizes that one cannot credibly oppose abortion and euthanasia, being indifferent to the death penalty.
"State, anti-abortion groups battle over 'Choose Life' plates"
"State, anti-abortion groups battle over 'Choose Life' plates": The Business Journal of Phoenix yesterday posted online an article that begins, "Anti-abortion advocates and state attorneys argued before a federal appeals court Monday ...
How Appealing - http://howappealing.law.com/
Abortion and Canadian Judicial Appointments
By Garry J. Wise, Wise Law Office, Toronto(Garry J. Wise, Wise Law Office, Toronto)
I guess women shouldn't worry about the anti-abortion right-wingers who are being appointed as judges by the Harper Conservatives -- like Lawrence O'Neil, who will be sworn in next week to the Nova Scotia Supreme Court, and David Brown, ...
Wise Law Blog - http://wiselaw.blogspot.com/
Abortion Protest Misses the Point
Given the facts and the experts’ agreement, one might reasonably expect anti-abortion activists to favor greater contraceptive availability and broader sex education policies. By and large, they do not. So let us examine what we have. ...
University of Pennsylvania Democrats - http://blog.penndems.org/
Ex-Kansas AG Still Anti-Abortion Leader
The Associated Press -
Last year, GQ magazine called him the future of the anti-abortion movement, while Planned Parenthood put him on a list of 15 Americans it saw as major ...
Pope Benedict XVI Tells Chile President to Not Abandon Pro-Life Views
Vatican City (LifeNews.com) -- Pope Benedict XVI met with Michelle Bachelet, the new president of Chile, for 40 minutes on Thursday and pressed home to her the importance of keeping the pro-life perspective there.
AP Interview: Perry says Giuliani will help overturn Roe
Dallas Morning News - Dallas,TX,USA
The election of Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton would be "devastating" to the economy, the military and to the anti-abortion movement, ...
US Firm Proposes Using 'Spare' Human Embryos For Stem Cell Experiments
LONDON -- A private firm in the US that has proposed a scheme to turn "spare" embryos left over from in vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatments into stem cells, has come under criticism in the UK by fertility experts. Full story...
The evangelical crisis of faith that threatens to sink the Republicans
Guardian Unlimited - UK
A defection of anti-abortion activists could devastate Republican prospects next year. Ralph Nader won less than 3% of the vote when he ran as a Green party ...
Feminists For Life: Colleges should aid pregnant students
Worcester Telegram - Worcester,MA,USA
By Mark Melady TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF WORCESTER— Abortion opponents and abortion rights advocates on college campuses can join forces to keep pregnant ...
Saturday, Oct. 6, 2007 – Family Planning Associates, San Diego
“You have time to go up there and help her to change her mind”
Any clinic, anywhere
Pro-life group unveils web page with interactive map of every Planned Parenthood facility in the US
Open Letter from John Lofton to Gary Bauer: You're Wrong, Dobson Right on Fred Thompson; and Tell Us, Please, About Your Neo-Conmen Connection
One step at a time
KeepMEcurrent.com - Scarborough,ME,USA
Her parents have admitted to tying Katelyn’s hands following a fight and driving her to New Hampshire with the hope of convincing her to have an abortion. ...
Anti-abortion crusader to be sworn in as judge
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
Taking an anti-abortion or pro-choice stance shouldn't preclude someone from being named a judge, he said. But he says Canada lacks a strong enough ...
Kansas Official Files Charges Against Planned Parenthood Abortion Center
Kansas City, KS (LifeNews.com) -- Another battle over the allegedly illegal abortions done at a Kansas City Planned Parenthood abortion center is brewing. Late Wednesday, Johnson County District Attorney Phill Kline, the former state attorney general, filed over 100 criminal charges against the abortion business in Overland Park.
Killed for refusing an abortion
Winnipeg Free Press - Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada
Teen pleads guilty to murder after Roxanne Fernando was beaten, buried in snowbank
Maybe a prochoicer saying it makes it more credible
By GrannyGrump(GrannyGrump)
We can see that the abortion mortality trends didn't change much, as evidenced in this chart from the National Center for Health Statistics: How accurate were their numbers? Pretty good, judging by studies done in California, Minnesota, ...
RealChoice - http://realchoice.blogspot.com/
Embryos Have Souls, Says Stem Cell Scientist
The ethical concerns regarding the destruction of human life
Markus Grompe / Nature.com
To me, the very fact that embryos produced in IVF clinics become babies and eventually adult humans means that they are human (and have a human soul) from the very beginning. Full story..
Women's Right to Know Act shows positive results across Georgia
Walker County Messenger -
LaFayette,GA,USABecause of the Women's Right to Know Act, women seeking an abortion are now given information about abortion procedures, the medical risks associated with ...
MPs hear case for low abortion limit
Church Times - London,UK
... described as "an opportunity for us all to come before God with our feelings about abortion, the tragic statistics that were never envisaged in 1967, ...
Confronting the Issue of Abortion: Two Press Briefings at the ...
PR Newswire UK (press release) - London,UK
The latest statistics show that figure has remained virtually unchanged over the last decade. What actions can those in power take to stop these deaths? ...
Hillary and Rudy Snub Cardinal Egan, Tony Blair
... a lot of heat from the Church about his stance on abortion, and also he's been kind of a jerk about New York lately. Plus, he's already had his photo op with the Brits. But Hillary? Cardinal Egan has stood up for her in the past, ...
Daily Intelligencer - New York Magazine - http://nymag.com/daily/intel/
Third-party Talk
October 17, 2007
If the walkout of Republicans grassroots were dramatic enough and if it enticed major figures to join, a third party could work.
Mitt Romney "Proudly" Pro-Life on Abortion, Opposes Embryonic Research
Pawleys Island, SC (LifeNews.com) -- Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney campaigned in South Carolina on Thursday and had a local voter ask him where he stands on the issue of abortion.
FDA Documents Show Dangerous Abortion Drug RU 486 Made in China
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- A public interest group has obtained copies of Food and Drug Administration records showing that agency knew the dangerous abortion drug RU 486 was made in China before it was approved for use in the U.S. at the end of the Clinton administration.
Fred Thompson Says Abortion Advocates Out to Defeat His Presidential Bid
Kennesaw, GA (LifeNews.com) -- On the campaign trail in the state of Georgia, Republican hopeful Fred Thompson said that abortion advocates are trying to destroy his presidential bid.
Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Pro-Rudy?... albeit one that he may not have welcomed, as Protestant and Catholic leaders alike questioned whether his presidential aspirations were invalidated by his pro-abortion beliefs. Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. ...
Wide Awakes - All Discussions -
Christians confusing meekness with weakness
WorldNetDaily - Grants Pass,OR,USA
The first example of gutlessness came from the Roman Catholic archbishop of San Francisco. Last Sunday, Archbishop George Niederauer was celebrating mass at ...
Catholic priest to appeal excommunication for misconduct
Inquirer.net - Philippines
Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, an expert on canon law, explained that for a Catholic, excommunication means that one is separated from the life ...
Former Kansas AG Still Anti-Abortion Leader
John Milburn / The Associated Press
TOPEKA, Kan. -- To [some] abortion opponents, Phill Kline is a standard bearer. For abortion rights [sic] activists, he's a dangerous ideologue. Full story...
Supreme Court appointee’s anti-abortion views draw fire
ChronicleHerald.ca - Halifax,Nova Scotia,Canada
By SUE BAILEY The Canadian Press OTTAWA — Opposition justice critics say the swearing-in next week of a former Tory MP and anti-abortion crusader is proof ...
Scientist Suspended Over Race Remarks Also Discussed ‘Defective’ Children
(CNSNews.com) – One of the world’s most highly regarded scientists was suspended late Thursday by his New York research institution amid a row in Britain over reported comments that blacks are less intelligent than whites. His latest comments are causing an uproar, prompting the Federation of American Scientists to declare Thursday, “It is a sad and revolting way to end a remarkable career.”
Funds for Schools That Give Birth Control to 11-Year-Olds?
(CNSNews.com) – Cybercast News Service hit Capitol Hill on Thursday to ask members of Congress whether U.S. taxpayers should fund public school districts that provide contraception to children as young as 11 without parental notification...
Drug Firm, FDA Deny Link Between Deaths and HPV Vaccine
(CNSNews.com) - Three states have passed laws requiring sixth-grade girls to be inoculated against a sexually transmitted disease. Now government documents show that eight deaths and more than 3,000 adverse reactions were reported after the vaccine, Gardasil, was administered...
GOP Won’t Choose Pro-Choice Presidential Candidate, Brownback Says
(CNSNews.com) – Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, who’s expected to drop out of the GOP presidential race, was asked on Friday if he would support a pro-choice candidate such as Rudy Giuliani. Yes he would, the pro-life Brownback told Cybercast News Service -- but Giuliani will not be the Republican presidential nominee, he insisted...
U.S. Appeals Court to Decide on Fate of Arizona's 'Choose Life' Plates
Planned Parenthood Calls Charges 'Baseless'
Calling charges filed against Planned Parenthood this week “baseless,” the Overland Park clinic’s top official said in the end his agency will be exonerated. Full story...
Brownback to Pull Out of Presidential Race
The second-tier candidate running on a social conservative platform had trouble raising funds necessary to keep his campaign going, people close to the Kansas senator told The Associated Press.
Bob Jones Dances With The Devil
Chuck Baldwin / The Covenant News:
Bob Jones' endorsement of the former Massachusetts governor illustrates just how low the Religious Right will go in compromising bedrock principle for the sake of political expediency. Jones says he is supporting Romney so as to help defeat Rudy Giuliani. I very much want to see what Jones will do if and when Giuliani gets the Republican nomination. I would anticipate that he will continue to follow his current modus operandi and support Giuliani, because he would then say that Giuliani is the "lesser of two evils."
From the Supreme Court to Abortion 'Ground Zero' in Aurora: Thomas More Society of Chicago Celebrates 10th Anniversary
'America's toughest sheriff' cracks down on Phoenix day laborer site
A public-interest group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption is praising an Arizona sheriff for conducting raids against a day labor site in Phoenix -- resulting in the arrests of six illegal aliens.
Harkin puts freeze on embryo destruction amendment
Conservative groups are welcoming the removal of an anti-life measure from a massive appropriations bill that includes education funding.
Maine school offers birth control to students in grades 6-8
Students at a Maine middle school will now have access to birth-control pills and patches at their school health center.
No Cut In Federal Money For Abortion Providers
4,600 clinics in U.S. receive federal Title X tax funding
CAPITOL HILL -- The Senate has blocked a bid by anti-abortion forces to cut off money for clinics that provide family planning and other health services in addition to abortions. By a 52-41 vote, the Senate rejected a proposal by Sen. David Vitter, R-La., to stop funding health clinics, Planned Parenthood and other providers of reproductive health services if they use money from nonfederal sources to perform abortions
Ron Paul's Revision to Sanctity of Life Act of 2007: H.R. 2597
2007-2008 (110th Congress) H.R. 2597
Full story...
Romney uses Columbus visit to trumpet evangelical's supportAttempting to allay evangelical Christians' suspicions about his Mormon faith, GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney touted an endorsement
today by Bob Jones III, founder of the fundamentalist
Christian university in
South Carolina that bears his name. Romney, making his first public appearance of the campaign in Columbus, told reporters that Jones' backing was "a positive step" in his effort to reach out to evangelicals who...
Babies at a Premium: Canadian Women Opting out of Motherhood
Dallas minister urges vote for a Christian, not Romney
Dallas Morning News - Dallas,TX,USA
Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, encouraged his congregation to elect a Christian. 'Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't let anybody ...
Woman's passion leads to a rite to life song
Intermountain Catholic - Salt Lake City,UT,USA
Wade decision in 1973 legalizing abortion. Higgins said the song lay dormant until last February when Father Erik Richtsteig, pastor of St. James Parish in ...
Also check the following websites for daily pro-life reporting and commentary
LifeSite - Your Life, Family and Culture Outpost featuring daily ...
Daily news, links, and information on abortion, euthanasia, politics, religion, and entertainment.
LifeNews.com - The Pro-Life News SourcePro-life news source covering abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and stem cell research.
And be sure to visit Suzanne's blog and Jill Stanek's blog
A Canadian blog about fetal rights, pro-life issues, Catholicism, religion, and social conservative issues in general.
Jill Stanek
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